Convex Mirror

Revision as of 07:09, 4 April 2013 by Rtwomey (talk | contribs) (Background Subtract)

Revision as of 07:09, 4 April 2013 by Rtwomey (talk | contribs) (Background Subtract)

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Self Portrait in a Convex Mirror



RPi side

  • take photo on raspberry pi:
    • gphoto2 --capture-image-and-download --filename capt0004.jpg
  • send to laptop:
    • cp capt0004.jpg rtwomey@
  • USB reset device:
    • usbreset /dev/bus/usb/001/004

OS X side

  • crop:
    • convert ~/Pictures/raspi/frame0001.jpg -crop 1450x1450+779+275 +repage square0001.jpg
  • bg subtract:
    • python square0002.jpg square0008.jpg 20 2
  • edge detect:
    • python square0001.jpg 20 255
  • convert to pnm:
    • convert square0001_edge.png edge0001.pnm
  • vectorize:
    • potrace edge0001.pnm --tight -i -s -o frame0001.svg
  • send to gcode machine:

Helper script:

  • python ~/Pictures/raspi/frame0024.jpg
  • produces frame0024.svg

Background Subtract

  • subtract one image from background with given threshold and dilations:
    • python background.jpg square.jpg 66 10

Processing from commandline

  • install processing-java from tools menu in processing
  • run from command line:
    • processing-java --sketch=/Users/rtwomey/processing/dm_xml/convexmirror_cmdline --output=tmp/convexmirror --run --force
    • NOTE: all filenames in the app need full paths.
  • run workflow with processing from commandline:
    • python ~/Pictures/raspi/frame0031.jpg

draw a circle

  • add a circle:
    • convert edge.png -stroke White -fill none -strokewidth 1 -draw 'circle 725,725 40,725' edge_circle.png

Error Image + Drawing Image

  • compute new contours from error image. NOT DONE.
  • accumulate error image. NOT DONE.
  • accumulate drawing image. NOT DONE.