

894 bytes removed, 22:14, 15 April 2010
student page
* [[Students/Jennifer Sunga | Jennifer Sunga]]
=== How-To ===Register to create a log-in in the upper right.Leilani Martin
wiki-text of the form: <code><nowiki>[[Students/RobertTwomey | RobertTwomey]]</nowiki></code> will come out looking like this: [[Students/RobertTwomey | RobertTwomey]]ICAM music major, sports fanatic, which is a link to your new personal page on the wiki. Click on it and begin editing away.  There is editing help here and here Image uploading help is here athlete. Of course you can always view the source of I've just began my page (or any other page) to learn how to do things.  If your embedded photo is HUGE, try some studies of these tips: * <code><nowiki>[[Image:File.jpg]]<computer music and mostly interested in generating/nowiki></code> to use the full version of the file* <code><nowiki>[[Image:Filemanipulating sounds.png|200px|thumb|left|alt text]]</nowiki></code> to use a 200 pixel wide rendition in a box in the left margin with 'alt text' as description* <code><nowiki>[[Media:File.ogg]]</nowiki></code> for directly linking to the file without displaying the file