
Festival TTS

5,923 bytes added, 12:45, 10 March 2017
Building a Unit Selection Cluster Voice from TIMIT data
*short tutorial -
*exercises and hints -
==Slides on HTS Synthesis==
=Training a Voice ModelModels=
*training text input -
==Building a Unit Selection Cluster Voice==
(from here<pre>mkdir uw_uw_rdtcd uw_uw_rdt</pre>#uniphone setup:<pre> $FESTVOXDIR/src/unitsel/setup_clunits uw us rdt uniphone</pre>#generate prompts and prompt files: <pre>festival -b festvox/build_clunits.scm '(build_prompts_waves "etc/")'</pre>
#record sound, using audacity. save as 16k, 16bit mono.
#make labels: <pre>./bin/make_labs prompt-wav/*.wav</pre>
#build utterance structure: <pre>festival -b festvox/build_clunits.scm '(build_utts "etc/")'</pre>
#do pitch marking: <pre>./bin/make_pm_wave wavetc/*uniphone.wavdata</pre>#find Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients: <pre>./bin/make_mcep wavetc/*uniphone.wavdata</pre>
#build cluster unit selection synth: <pre>festival -b festvox/build_clunits.scm '(build_clunits "etc/")'</pre>
==Using a Unit Selection Cluster Voice Synth==
*#from uw_us_rdt directory: <pre>festival festvox/uw_us_rdt_clunits.scm</pre>#in Scheme:<pre>(voice_uw_us_rdt_clunits) </pre>#<pre>(SayText "this is a little test.")</pre> ==Building a CLUSTERGEN Statistical Parametric Synthesizer==(adapted from<pre>mkdir uw_us_rdt_arctic</pre>#<pre>cd uw_us_rdt_arctic</pre>#<pre>$FESTVOXDIR/src/clustergen/setup_cg uw us rdt_arctic</pre>#copy text into <pre>etc/</pre>. use some of the lines from here audio files into <pre>wav/</pre>#use <pre>bin/get_wavs</pre> to copy files to power normalize and convert to proper format. ==Building a Unit Selection Cluster Voice from TIMIT data==(from here<pre>mkdir uw_uw_rdt_timit</pre>#<pre>cd uw_uw_rdt_timit</pre>#timit setup: <pre> $FESTVOXDIR/src/unitsel/setup_clunits uw us rdt timit</pre>#generate prompts and prompt files: <pre>festival -b festvox/build_clunits.scm '(build_prompts_waves "etc/")'</pre>#record sound, using audacity. save as 16k, 16bit mono.#copy sound files from recording directory into voice directory. <pre> ./bin/get_wavs ~/Sounds/TIMIT_Training_Data/warehouse_omni/*.wav </pre>#make labels: <pre>./bin/make_labs prompt-wav/*.wav</pre>#build utterance structure: <pre>festival -b festvox/build_clunits.scm '(build_utts "etc/")'</pre>#do pitch marking: <pre>./bin/make_pm_wave etc/</pre>#find Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients: <pre>./bin/make_mcep etc/</pre>#build cluster unit selection synth: <pre>festival -b festvox/build_clunits.scm '(build_clunits "etc/")'</pre> =Improving Quality=*Fix phoneme labeling -*tuning a voice - = Using Voices === using meghan voice ===== Run the Server ===*open terminal: <pre>cd /Users/murmur/Desktop/meghan festival_server -c meghans_special_sauce.scm</pre>*To kill the server:<pre>Control-C</pre>=== Run the Client ===*open a 2nd terminal window:<pre>cd /Users/murmur/Desktop/meghan festival_client myfile.txt --ttw --output client_test.wav</pre>*Other stuff (python):<pre>import osos.popen("/Applications/festival_2.1/festival/src/main/festival_client /Users/murmur/Desktop/meghan/myfile.txt --ttw --output /Users/murmur/Desktop/meghan/client_test78.wav")</pre> ==Using A Newly Trained Voice =====Modify the voice so festival knows it's there===*append proclaim message to your newly trained model <code>uw_us_rdt_clunits.scm</code> in <code>uw_us_rdt_clunits/festvox</code>: <pre>(proclaim_voice 'uw_us_rdt_clunits '((language english) (gender male) (dialect american) (description "This is Robert Twomey trained on CLUNITS, TIMIT databse."))) (provide 'uw_us_rdt_clunits)</pre> ===Install voice to festival directory===**unzip file from festival root directory, it should install to the correct directory*copy your newly trained voice to <code>festival/lib/voices/english/</code>*the name of your new voice directory (ex: <code>uw_us_rdt_clunits/</code>) needs to match the voice file (ex: <code>uw_us_rdt_clunits/festvox/uw_us_rdt_clunits.scm</code>) ===Configure festival to use your voice by default===*to set your voice as default (and add a special pause entry), add the following to <code>festival/etc/siteinit.scm</code>: <pre>(set! voice_default 'voice_uw_us_rdt_clunits) (lex.add.entry '("<break>" n (((pau pau) 0))))</pre>*the <code>lex.add.entry</code> line makes a new word in the lexicon <code><break></code> that adds a pause.*run <code>festival_server</code> and it will load your new voice by default* a pause as a new lexical entry=*add the following after <code> (provide 'siteinit) </code> in <code>festival/etc/siteinit.scm</code>: <pre>(voice_uw_us_rdt_clunits) (lex.add.entry '("<break>" n (((pau pau) 0))))
*in Scheme:this will add a new word, "<prebreak>(voice_uw_us_rdt_clunits) </pre>*<pre>(SayText "this that is synthesized as a little testbrief pause in speech.")</pre>
=changesUsing Voice on Raspberry Pi=*instead ofinstall with apt-get. alternatively, follow these instructions:*With festival 2.1*copy the voice data into <code>/usr/share/festival/voices/english<pre/code>*edit '''/usr/share/festival -b festvox/build_clunitsvoices.scm '(build_prompts "etc/")'' and add the new voice <code>uw_us_rdt_clunits</precode>at the beginning of the default-voice-priority-list. (end of the file)*now your new voice should be the default for festival.==rpi with external i2s dac==do*change aplay command within festival/scheme:<presyntaxhighlight lang="bash">festival -b festvox/build_clunits(Parameter.scm set '(build_prompts_waves Audio_Command "etc/uniphone.dataaplay -q -c 2 -t raw -f s16 -r 8000 $FILE")'"</presyntaxhighlight>*or add to startup:
=Tuning phrasing, prosody, etc with SABLE=* Festival===Run the Server==*instead from anywhere: <code>festival_server</code>==Run the Client==*run the client: <code>echo "Do you really want to see all ofit?" | festival_client --ttw --output test.wav </code>*generates a wave file==Synthesize Speech to Audio Out==*run festival: <precode>echo "test this" | festival --tts</code>*plays through speakers.==Render a Text File In Speech==*run the server*run the client: <code>cat ~/binDocuments/make_pm_wave wavspeech\ performance/*speech\ performance\ structure.txt | festival_client --ttw --output structure.wav</precode>==Phoneme tests==Switch voices:<syntaxhighlight lang="scheme">(voice_kal_diphone)</syntaxhighlight>Switch back:<syntaxhighlight lang="scheme">(voice_uw_us_rdt_clunits)</syntaxhighlight>do Pronounce phonemes:<presyntaxhighlight lang="scheme">.(SayPhones '(pau ch pau m ay n ey m ih z r ah b er t pau)) </binsyntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="scheme">(SayPhones '(pau ch pau m ay n ey m ih z r ow b er t pau)) </make_pm_wave etcsyntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="scheme">(SayPhones '(pau ch pau m ay n ey m ih z r ow b ah t pau)) </ syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="scheme">(SayPhones '(pau ch pau m ay n ey m ih z r ah b ah t pau)) </presyntaxhighlight>