no edit summary
#copy audio files into <code>wav/</code>
#use <pre>bin/get_wavs</pre> to copy files to power normalize and convert to proper format.
==Building a Unit Selection Cluster Voice from TIMIT data==
(from here http://festvox.org/festvox/x3082.html)
#<pre>mkdir uw_uw_rdt_timit
cd uw_uw_rdt_timit</pre>
#timit setup: <pre> $FESTVOXDIR/src/unitsel/setup_clunits uw us rdt timit</pre>
#generate prompts and prompt files: <pre>festival -b festvox/build_clunits.scm '(build_prompts_waves "etc/timit.data")'</pre>
#record sound, using audacity. save as 16k, 16bit mono.
#make labels: <pre>./bin/make_labs prompt-wav/*.wav</pre>
#build utterance structure: <pre>festival -b festvox/build_clunits.scm '(build_utts "etc/timit.data")'</pre>
#do pitch marking: <pre>./bin/make_pm_wave etc/timit.data</pre>
#find Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients: <pre>./bin/make_mcep etc/timit.data</pre>
#build cluster unit selection synth: <pre>festival -b festvox/build_clunits.scm '(build_clunits "etc/timit.data")'</pre>
= using meghan voice =