
Festival TTS

590 bytes added, 15:13, 6 November 2012
no edit summary
#find Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients: <pre>./bin/make_mcep etc/</pre>
#build cluster unit selection synth: <pre>festival -b festvox/build_clunits.scm '(build_clunits "etc/")'</pre>
=Improving Quality=
*Fix phoneme labeling -
*tuning a voice -
= Using Voices =
==Using new Voices==
===Modify new voice so festival knows it's there===
*append to uw_us_rdt_clunits.scm in uw_us_rdt_clunits/festvox: <code>
'((language english)
(gender male)
(dialect american)
"This is Robert Twomey trained on CLUNITS, TIMIT databse.")))
(provide 'uw_us_rdt_clunits)
===Install voice to festival directory==
*unzip file from festival root directory, it should install to the correct directory
*copy your newly trained voice to <code>festival/lib/voices/english/</code>
*the name of your new voice directory (ex: <code>uw_us_rdt_clunits/</code>) needs to match the voice file (ex: <code>uw_us_rdt_clunits/festvox/uw_us_rdt_clunits.scm</code>)
===Configure festival to use your voice by default===
*to set your voice as default, add the following to <code>festival/etc/siteinit.scm</code>:
=Improving Quality=
*Fix phoneme labeling -
*tuning a voice -
=Tuning phrasing, prosody, etc with SABLE=