
UNTREF Speech Workshop

35 bytes removed, 12:45, 23 September 2013
Online Tool for Training Language Models
*Download file:
===Sphinx Knowledge Base - Online Tool for Training Language Models===this This produces a statistical language model and dictionary (along with various other products) for any text file you upload:
your text file should have one sentence per line.
upload it and then click "Compile Knowledge Base."
on the results screen, click on the .TAR file to download it. Unzip this, and take the .dic file. This is your pronunciation dictionary. You may want to rename it to .dict to match the files in the sketch. Or change your config file.
The processing example code above runs from a grammar (.gram) and a dictionary (.dict). This online language tools generates the dictionary for your text but not the grammar. You will need to make the grammar on your own.
Using '''Sphinx4''' (the java interface) with Processing.
==Other programming==