
Sensing and Control

15 bytes removed, 15:01, 30 November 2015
'''Lab Policies'''
Students have access to the DXARTS Sensing and Control Laboratory according to the following lab policies:
*any equipment that you have used must be put away in its proper place before you leave the lab.
*be considerate to other users of the lab. Do not leave any mess behind. never use a power tool without someone else being in the lab.
*never use a tool which you have not been trained to use, or which you do not feel comfortable using.
*never use a tool that is damaged. If you discover a tool that is damaged, report it to your TA immediately.
*never work in the lab when you feel tired or drowsy, or under the influence of medication.
This introduction with the shop manager is required to use any tools at the Fremont lab!!
Sensing and Control Schedule Autumn 2013