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You will do a small project each weekend between Wednesday class and Monday morning. These prompts will incorporate material learned during the week. We will have abbreviated discussions of these works on Monday mornings.
They will be graded on completion rather than given a point value. Together, the prompt responses will account for 50% of your grade.
*Final Project: 30%
=Lab Kit=
Sensing and Control Parts List
We have purchased most of these parts for in class use. You will need to return them at the end of the term. I would suggest that you purchase an arduino and any of the sensors, tools, etc., for personal use if you intend to continue with this sort of work.
Alternate suppliers exist for many of these parts (Adafruit, Sparkfun, Digikey, and others all stock common Arduino things), check with us if you are ordering from a different supplier.
=Student Responsibilities and Requirements=
*Attend all lectures, workshops, labs and critiques (class is Monday and Wednesday each week).
*The class has nineteen sessions over 10 weeks, so each will have a lot of information packed into it. It is important that you don't miss any sessions and attend regularly. If you have to miss class due to emergency, illness or due to an established religious holiday, then you must notify the instructor directly and in advance. You will be expected to make up any missed sessions.
*Students are expected to come to class on time, ready to start promptly. Please bring any required materials, homework and notetaking equipment. Complete lab exercises and/or reading homework, typically small experiments related to the current week's topics.
*Participate in class discussions.
*Complete three weekend projects: late work will not be accepted.
*Complete a final project and presentation: late work will not be accepted. Creative experimentation is required and expected: attempt the impossible; use your imagination to stretch the boundaries of any and all assignments.