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An intensive ten‐week course, we will cover basic techniques early‐on and reinforce them through extensive hands‐on work, availing ourselves of pre‐packaged hardware, software, and rapid‐prototyping tools.
COURSE INFORMATION*CLASS TIMEClass Time: MW 9:30‐11:20 Fremont Studio*INSTRUCTORInstructor: Robert Twomey ([mailto:rtwomey@uw.edu rtwomey@uw.edu)]. *Office Hours: 1 hr immediately after class. , so MW 11:30‐12:20.*Teaching Assistant: Shih‐Wei Lo ([mailto:swlcomp@uw.edu swlcomp@uw.edu)]
*Email List: [mailto:dxarts470a_au13@uw.edu dxarts470a_au13@uw.edu]
*Drop Box: https://catalyst.uw.edu/collectit/dropbox/rtwomey/29021