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15 bytes added, 17:04, 4 February 2010
midterm proposal
==midterm proposal==
After several unsuccessful attempts to find suitable heater for my first proposal, I've decided to abandon that one and start a new proposal. This one was inspired by my nephew when I saw him playing with water guns. Most simple water guns do not have sounds and I realized that children often add their own sound effects when they pretend to shoot at some target. I want to add sound in as part of the gun so that the toy becomes more interactive; children's make believe noise becomes more or less a reality in which they can actually hear noise coming from the gun rather than simply existing in their minds. The procedure will be simple. I will be using water toy gun, 12VDC piezo buzzer, 9V battery, and a on-(off) switch, then implementing all of this onto the gun somehow. The buzzer will be activated when the button is pressed when the hand pulls down trigger, pressing on the switch all together. When released, the buzzer will stop buzzing.
===<center>:: Visualization ::</center>===

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