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1,220 bytes added, 17:53, 15 April 2010
Week 4
=== Week 4 ===
*Due: Midterm project proposal.
**Project Assignment: Working individually or in small groups (2-3 people), produce an interactive piece that bridges the gap between screen space and physical space. There are many ways to do this--using image-based computer vision techniques, game controllers, audio input, or other physical hardware (Arduino?). Think about the parameters of interaction--are you documenting viewer's behavior (unknown to them), are you taking a familiar form (such as a video game) and tweaking it in some way, are you intervening in social space? Think about what form the output will take. In your one page proposal, describe the input(s), output(s), and dynamic of interaction, as well as some statement of your motivation. Why is this a valuable or interesting project? In addition to the written description, produce supporting visual descriptions. These should be functional diagrams explaining how it will work, as well as the various software and hardware components, as well as an aesthetic description of the project. Make a page for your project (including a title) in the Midterm Projects section at the bottom of this page. This proposal is due in class next week where we will critique and workshop the ideas.
=== Week 5 - Midterm Critiques ===

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