no edit summary
*Google ASR.
*Google ASR wrapped for processing - http://stt.getflourish.com/
==Hands-on with Processing==
*Requires STT library. http://stt.getflourish.com/
*Download the library file, unzip it, and copy it to the Processing\libraries folder. I also put it on the thumbdrive.
*Processing example: [[:File:google_listen.zip]]
*Try switching the recognition language.
==Hands-on with Sphinx==
Python or c++, command line, android. '''pocketsphinx'''.
='''Text To Speech Synthesis'''=
*MARY TTS online demo - http://mary.dfki.de:59125/
==Hands-on With Processing==
*Processing Daisy Bell example using Google Text To Speech. Requires an internet connection:
==Hands-on with Festival==
=== Installation ===
*Tutorial - http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/jyamagis/misc/Practice_of_Festival_speech_synthesizer.html
*windows binaries http://sourceforge.net/projects/e-guidedog/files/related%20third%20party%20software/0.3/festival-2.1-win.7z/download
*voices http://homepages.inf.ed.ac.uk/jyamagis/software/page54/page54.html
*Copy festival folder to C:\
*run the terminal. Start Menu, Run -> Cmd.
*<code>cd C:\festival</code>
*start festival:
*to say something:
**<code>(SayText "this is what I am going to say")</code>
*to render speech to sound file:
*to switch voices:
*to exit festival:
*Festival is written in Scheme, a variant of LISP.