
Week 4 Lab

489 bytes added, 06:07, 21 April 2009
The other way around: Driving a Computer Program with Data from the Arduino
*Create the processing Sketch "arduino_color_mixer"
*Change the Serial port in the initialization in Processing. (<code>port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[2], 9600);</code> on my computer)
*Change the <code>Integer.parseInt(buff);</code> statements to say <code>rval = Integer.parseInt(buff)/4;</code>. This relates to the issue last week with the <code>analogRead()</code> and <code>analogWrite()</code>: our Arduino is transmitting a 10bit (0-1023) value captured from the <code>analogRead()</code>, but the <code>background(rval, gval, bval);</code> command in Processing wants 8bit (0-255) values for Red, Green, and Blue. Thus, we need to divide the 10 bit values by 4.
== Pachube ==