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Students/Simon Quiroz

16,329 bytes added, 06:51, 20 March 2010
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Other interests include cinema and its forms of production and the ways in which we can incorporate different technologies in its ways of production and distribution. Also, I am a co-founder of a production company in which we can incorporate many of this ideas, named Lumalin.
[[Image:Example1.jpg]][[Image:Example2.jpg]][[Image:Example3.jpg]][[Image:Example4.jpg]][[Image:Example5.jpg]] '''Midterm Proposal:''' Although I might change my mind for something else that crosses my mind, I propose, for now, the idea to build a two switch project dedicated to the separation of two camera shoes to mount two cameras for stereography. The project would consist on a rotatory switch that would let one select between a) close and b) spread and the second switch that would execute the movement, action. The camera shoes would be attached to a motor that would separate them or bring them close. '''What it'd look like''' [[Image:look.jpg]] '''Diagram''' [[Image:diag3.jpg]] or [[Image:diag4.jpg]]  '''Final Project Version 1.0 (Subject to change without prior notification):''''''Paranormal Events'''  Currently our socieety faces many issues that have a direct impact in the psychological mind state of the individual. Largely speaking this translates to a big sociological pathos. Having said this, people's emotional instabilty incites the appearance of what can normally be considered by traditional psychiatrists as severe psychological disorders. Nevertheless, these moments of uncertainty and paranoia also create an environment where "supernatural" events occur with more frequency. Using the Arduino technology, taking data from the environment, people's mind states and the internet(whichh largely reflect societal trends) the Arduino will detect and showcase in some form(yet to be discovered) the amount of supernatural events that occur parallel to our immediate reality which we cannot perceive through our normal senses. Images: [[Image:p1.jpg]][[Image:p2.jpg]][[Image:p3.jpg]][[Image:p4.jpg]][[Image:p5.jpg]][[Image:p6.jpg]] '''FINAL:''' The aesthetics of this device function in complete contradiction with the ones of a cheap popular culture. Unconcerned with making of this project a pretty, flashy product, its raw image reflects the current mental state of mind of its creator under circumstances of lack of sleep, stress and time created by the mechanisms surrounding him. As a matter of fact, its separation from a shallow aesthetic showcases the harsh reality, everyday events and stressful circumstances to which individuals are subjected to due to current conditions. More and more individuals are in danger to develop an unstable state of mind. This unstable state of mind translates to increase in the amount of paranormal activity detected in a place. The device’s functions in collaboration with a C# application, in order to reveal different levels of paranormal activity and how it increases as people’s unstable mental state increases at the same time social conditions become more and more deplorable. [[Image:E1.jpg]][[Image:E2.jpg]][[Image:E3.jpg]][[Image:E4.jpg]][[Image:E5.jpg]] Code Arduino: //SQ int photopin = 5;int motionpin = 6;int offpin = 3;int onpin = 4; int switchpin = 2; int speakerpin = 10; int lights[] = {7,8,9,12}; //ActivationVarsint registered, activated,action;int reader; //Controllersint photovalue;int motionvalue; //SoundVars int melody[] = {2100,17.32,18.35,19.45,20.6,21.83,23.12,24.5,25.96, 27.5,29.14,30.87,32.7,34.65,36.71,38.89,41.2,43.65, 46.25,49,51.91,55,58.27,61.74,65.41,69.3,73.42,77.78, 82.41,87.31,92.5,98,103.83,110,116.54,123.47,130.81, 138.59,146.83,155.56,164.81,174.61,185,196,207.65, 220,233.08,246.94,261.63,277.18,293.66,311.13,329.63, 349.23,369.99,392,415.3,440,466.16,493.88,523.25, 554.37,587.33,622.25,659.26,698.46,739.99,783.99, 830.61,880,932.33,987.77,1046.5,1108.73,1174.66, 1244.51,1318.51,1396.91,1479.98,1567.98,1661.22, 1760,1864.66,1975.53,2093,2217.46,2349.32,2489.02, 2637.02,2793.83,2959.96,3135.96,3322.44,3520,3729.31, 3951.07,4186.01,4434.92,4698.64,4978.03}; int MC = sizeof(melody); long tempo = 100;int pause = 1000; int toneb = 0;int beat = 0;long duration = 0;int rest_count = 100;  void setup() { pinMode(offpin, OUTPUT); pinMode(onpin, OUTPUT); pinMode(photopin, INPUT); pinMode(switchpin, INPUT); pinMode(motionpin, INPUT); pinMode(speakerpin, OUTPUT); pinMode(lights[0], OUTPUT); pinMode(lights[1], OUTPUT); pinMode(lights[2], OUTPUT); pinMode(lights[3], OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600);} void loop() { mySerialRead();  //ACTIONS  if (registered != 1 && activated != 1) { Serial.println("ParaDetector@0001mx@555@12EE@Lumalin"); intermitter(offpin, 100); }  if (registered == 1 && activated != 1) { intermitter(onpin,250); valuesprinter(); } if (activated == 1 && action == 0) { valuesprinter(); intermitter(onpin,50); } if (activated == 1 && action == 1) { for (int i=0;i<4;i++) { intermitter(lights[i],20); } playsounds(random(3500)); } } //FUNCTIONS void playsounds(int durationb) { toneb = melody[random(MC)]; duration = durationb; playtoneb(); delayMicroseconds(pause);} void dimmer(int pin,int delayer) { for (int i=0;i<255;i++) { analogWrite(pin, i); delay(delayer); } for (int i=255;i>0;i--) { analogWrite(pin, i); delay(delayer); } analogWrite(pin, 0);} void intermitter(int pin,int delayer) { digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); delay(delayer); digitalWrite(pin, LOW); delay(delayer);} void mySerialRead() { if (Serial.available()>0) { reader =; if (reader == 'O') { registered = 0; activated = 0; action = 0; } if (registered != 1) { if (reader == 'H') { registered = 1; } } if (registered == 1) { if (reader == 'A') { activated = 1; action = 0; } if (reader == 'P') { activated = 0; action = 0; } if (reader == 'Y') { activated = 1; action = 1; } } }} void valuesprinter() { //if (digitalRead(switchpin) == HIGH) { motionvalue = digitalRead(motionpin); photovalue = analogRead(photopin); Serial.print("Values"); Serial.print("@"); Serial.print(photovalue); Serial.print("@"); Serial.println(motionvalue); // } //else { // Serial.print("Values@NoValue"); // Serial.print("@"); // Serial.println(motionvalue); //}} void playtoneb() { long elapsed_time = 0; if (toneb > 0) { // if this isn't a Rest beat, while the toneb has // played less long than 'duration', pulse speaker HIGH and LOW while (elapsed_time < duration) {  digitalWrite(speakerpin,HIGH); delayMicroseconds(toneb);  // DOWN digitalWrite(speakerpin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(toneb);  // Keep track of how long we pulsed elapsed_time += (toneb); } } else { // Rest beat; loop times delay for (int j = 0; j < rest_count; j++) { // See NOTE on rest_count delayMicroseconds(duration); } } }    Code C#: (Excerpt) using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.Drawing;using System.Linq;using System.Text;using System.Windows.Forms;using System.IO.Ports;using System.Threading;using System.IO;using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace ParaDetector_V1{ public partial class Form1 :Form {  bool detected = false, reading = false, success = false, allowcancel = false, playonce = false; int portind = 0, currentport = 0, lightvalue = 60, activity = 0; string ports = "None", currentportname = "None", value; string[] vals = new string[40]; string linelight = "60";  //Mediaplayer private string _command; private bool isOpen; [DllImport("winmm.dll")] private static extern long mciSendString(string strCommand, StringBuilder strReturn, int iReturnLength, IntPtr hwndCallback); //EndMediaPlayer  //StartPlayer void closeplayer() { _command = "close MediaFile"; mciSendString(_command, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); isOpen = false; } public void OpenPlayer(string sFileName) { _command = "open \Users"" + sFileName + "\fliegemaster" type mpegvideo alias MediaFile"; mciSendString(_command, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); isOpen = true; } public void PlayPlayer(bool loop) { if (isOpen) { _command = "play MediaFile"; if (loop) _command += " REPEAT"; mciSendString(_command, null, 0, IntPtr.Zero); } } //EndPlayer //END   public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); }  private void Detector_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { string[] ports2 = SerialPort.GetPortNames(); if (!detected && !reading) { if (ports2.Length != 0) { if (portind < ports2.Length) { ports = ports2[portind]; mystatus.Text = ports; myPort.PortName = ports; reading = true; OpenPort(); portind++;  } } else { mystatus.Text = "No Detector Detected"; } } if (detected) { //StreamData if (success) { success = false; myPort.Write("H"); mystatus.Text = "Device Detected"; Show(); WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; if (isOpen) { closeplayer(); } OpenPlayer(".\\intro.wav"); PlayPlayer(false); } else { textBox1.AppendText(value + "\n"); activetext.AppendText("Activity Detected: " + activity.ToString() + "\n"); } //Disconnect if (currentportname != "None") { if (ports2.Length != 0) { if (ports2[currentport] != currentportname) { ForceClose(); } } else { ForceClose(); } } } }  void ForceClose() { allowcancel = true; Close(); }  private void myPort_DataReceived(object sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) { try { value = myPort.ReadLine(); value = value.Trim(); vals = value.Split('@'); if (vals[0] == "Values" && vals[1] != "NoValue") { int getlightval = Convert.ToInt32(vals[1]); int getmotionval = Convert.ToInt32(vals[2]); if (getlightval < lightvalue) { myPort.Write("A"); if (!playonce) { if (isOpen) { closeplayer(); } OpenPlayer(".\Documents\London1paranormal.wav"); PlayPlayer(false); playonce = true; } if (getmotionval > 0) { myPort.Write("Y"); Random randomer = new Random(); activity = lightvalue * randomer.bmpNext(150); } } else { myPort.Write("P"); playonce = false; } } if (vals[0]== "ParaDetector" && vals[1]== "0001mx" && vals[2] == "555" && vals[3] == "12EE" && vals[4] == "Lumalin") { if (!detected) { currentport = portind - 1; currentportname = ports; detected = true; reading = true; success = true; } } else { reading = false; myPort.PortName = currentportname; } } catch { } finally { //this.Invoke(new EventHandler(OnDetect)); } }  private void Form1_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { } void OpenPort() { try { myPort.Open(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("No port detected"); } }  private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(".\\options.dat"); linelight = sr.ReadLine(); lightvalue = Convert.ToInt32(linelight); sr.Close(); lightval.Value = lightvalue; } catch { } }  private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { if (!allowcancel) { Hide(); e.Cancel = true; } if (allowcancel == true) { e.Cancel = false; try { myPort.Write("O"); Thread.Sleep(200); myPort.Close(); } catch { } } }  private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(".\\paranormal_data.dat"); sw.WriteLine(value); sw.Close(); } catch { }  }  private void TrayMenu_ItemClicked(object sender, ToolStripItemClickedEventArgs e) {  }  private void Form1_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e) { }  private void Form1_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (FormWindowState.Minimized == WindowState) Hide(); }  private void myTray_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Show(); WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; }  private void TrayMenu_Opening(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) {  }  private void AllowClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { allowcancel = true; Close(); }  private void Restore_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Show(); WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; }  private void lightval_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { lightvalue = lightval.Value; try { StreamWriter SWB = new StreamWriter(".\\options.dat"); SWB.Write(lightvalue.ToString()); SWB.Close(); } catch { } }  private void lightval_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e) {  }   }}

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