Eye Motion Experiment - Javi Lee
- Motivation
My main motivation for this project was to experiment and document on the processes of the human mind differentiating between males and females. I wanted to see what each gender would specifically look at when shown an image. My hypothesis would be that when shown an image of a sexy female, the males would naturally look at the breast and the butt, whereas the females would look more at the face and the abs. I wanted to see if males and females minds are the same or if they were indeed different.
In order to see how this experiment would work, I wanted to hook up each participant to an eye tracking webcam. This webcam would track the iris of the eye and display that path on the screen. This track will be clear and visible for the audience standing behind the participant to see. The participant will only see the images but will not be able to see the screen where his eyes will be tracking. I wanted to display an array of images, not limited to people, and see what aspect of the images each gender concentrates on.
- Technical Description
I wanted to use Processing to create a code that will track the eyeball. This code will also draw the path that the eyeball takes. In order to track the eyeball, I wanted to create some kind of glasses that is connected to a webcam that will track the iris of the eyeball.
Unfortunately this one did not work.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import processing.core.PApplet; import processing.video.Capture;
public class ICU extends PApplet {
final int JESSICA = 0, MAGGIE = 1, HYORI = 2, NAMIE = 3; final int KIM = 4; int item = JESSICA;
boolean usingMouse = false; //to use mouse for preso, if needed!
Capture video;// regular processing libary int pupilThreshold = 100; int glintThreshold = 240; int edge = 50; int reach = 5; int minPupilArea = 75; long elapsedTime; float calibrationSlope; int calibrationIntercept; Rectangle pupil; Rectangle glint; CoordinatesTranslator calibrator;
PImage img, imgJessica, imgMaggie, imgHyori, imgNamie; long lastVideo = 0;
//variables for easing float crosshairLocationOnScreenX; float crosshairLocationOnScreenY; float targetX, targetY; float easing = 0.05;
boolean debug = true; PImage testImage; boolean leaveTrails; static public void main(String _args[]) { PApplet.main(new String[] { "tracking.Eyetrack" } ); }
int num = 20; // Images must be in the "data" directory to load correctly float mx[] = new float[num]; float my[] = new float[num]; float easing = 0.05; int radius = 8; int edge = 0; int inner = edge + radius;
public void setup() {
size(600, 800); noStroke(); smooth(); //ellipseMode(RADIUS); //rectMode(CORNERS); println( Capture.list()); video = new Capture(this, width, height, Capture.list()[4] ); //video.settings(); testImage = loadImage("mm.jpg"); size(testImage.width,testImage.height); calibrator = new CoordinatesTranslator(); image(testImage,0,0);
smooth(); img = loadImage("korean-girls-kang-su-yeon.jpg"); imgJessica = loadImage("Jessica_alba.jpg"); imgMaggie = loadImage("maggie_q_1.jpg"); imgHyori = loadImage("lee_hyori.jpg"); imgNamie = loadImage("namie_amuro_1.jpg");
public void draw() {
background(225); drawTarget(); stroke(225,0,0); noFill(); //draw crosshairs on screen, and add easing for smoother transitions float dx = drawX - crosshairLocationOnScreenX; if (abs(mouseX - mx) > 0.1) { mx = mx + (mouseX - mx) * easing; } if (abs(mouseY - my) > 0.1) { my = my + (mouseY- my) * easing; }
mx = constrain(mx, inner, width - inner); my = constrain(my, inner, height - inner); //fill(76); //rect(edge, edge, width-edge, height-edge); fill(0); ellipse(mx, my, radius, radius);
int which = frameCount % num; mx[which] = mouseX; my[which] = mouseY;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { //which+1 is the smallest (the oldest in the array) int index = (which+1 + i) % num; ellipse(mx[index], my[index], i, i); } if(abs(dx) > 1) { crosshairLocationOnScreenX += dx * easing; }
//targetY = drawY; float dy = drawY - crosshairLocationOnScreenY; if(abs(dy) > 1) { crosshairLocationOnScreenY += dy * easing; }
if (video.available() && (millis() > lastVideo + 10)) {
lastVideo = millis(); video.read(); long startTime = millis(); elapsedTime = millis() - startTime; if (debug) { background(0); image(video, 0, 0); } else{ if (leaveTrails == false) image(testImage,0,0); if (calibrating) { image(testImage,0,0); } if (pupil != null) { ellipse(pupil.x+pupil.width/2,pupil.y+pupil.height/2,40,40); //drawX = int(map(pupil.x+pupil.width/2, 0, video.width, 0, width)); //drawY = int(map(pupil.y+pupil.height/2, 0, video.height, 0, height));*/ //drawX = adjustedPoint[0]; //drawY = adjustedPoint[1];*/ //println(adjustedPoint[0]+", "+adjustedPoint[1]); } } pupil = findPupil(); glint = null; if (pupil != null) glint = findGlint(pupil); //if the glint and the pupil are present if (glint != null && pupil != null) { // if we got both // find out where the pupil is relative to the glint int rawX = pupil.x+ pupil.width/2 - glint.x + glint.width/2; int rawY =glint.y + glint.height/2- pupil.y + pupil.height/2 ; //if the system is calibrating if (calibrator.isCurrentlyCalibrating()) { // check if we are in calibration mode Point placeToLook = calibrator.getScenePoint(); // get where they are supposed to look at //draw the dots for the user to look at for calibration purposes placeToDrawTarget = placeToLook; if (placeToDrawTarget.x > 0 &&
calibrator.isCurrentlyCalibrating()) {
stroke(0); fill(0); ellipse(placeToDrawTarget.x - 4, placeToDrawTarget.y - 4, 28, 28);// draw it so they look stroke(255); fill(255); ellipse(placeToDrawTarget.x - 4, placeToDrawTarget.y - 4, 22, 22);// draw it so they look stroke(40,40,255); fill(40,40,255); ellipse(placeToDrawTarget.x - 4, placeToDrawTarget.y - 4, 16, 16);// draw it so they look stroke(255,0,0); fill(255,0,0); ellipse(placeToDrawTarget.x - 4, placeToDrawTarget.y - 4, 10, 10);// draw it so they look stroke(255,255,0); fill(255,255,0); ellipse(placeToDrawTarget.x - 4, placeToDrawTarget.y - 4, 7, 7);// draw it so they look } //CHANGE THIS TO ELMO
calibrator.doCalibrationRoutine(true,rawX, rawY); println("calibrating");
} //if the system is not calibrating, else { //use the calibrator to find out where the x,y from camera corolate to on image int[] adjustedPoint = calibrator.translate(rawX, rawY); println("Adjusted x" + adjustedPoint[0] + " adjusted y" + adjustedPoint[1]);
//if the mouse is not being used, draw the crosshairs at adjusted points if(!usingMouse) { drawX = adjustedPoint[0]; drawY = adjustedPoint[1]; } }
public Rectangle findPupil() { // /FIND THE PUPIL ArrayList boxes = new ArrayList(); for (int row = edge; row < video.height - edge * 2; row++) { for (int col = edge; col < video.width - edge * 2; col++) { int offset = row * video.width + col; int thisPixel = video.pixels[offset]; //look for dark things if (brightness(thisPixel) < pupilThreshold) { video.pixels[offset] = 0; // be pessimistic boolean foundAHome = false; // look throught the existing for (int i = 0; i < boxes.size(); i++) { Rectangle existingBox = (Rectangle) boxes.get(i); // is this spot in an existing box Rectangle inflatedBox = new Rectangle(existingBox); // copy the existing box inflatedBox.grow(reach, reach); // widen it's reach if (inflatedBox.contains(col, row)) { existingBox.add(col, row); foundAHome = true; // no need to make a new one break; // no need to look through the rest of the boxes } } // if this does not belong to one of the existing boxes make a new one at this place if (foundAHome == false) boxes.add(new Rectangle(col, row, 0, 0)); } } }
consolidate(boxes, 0, 0);
// OF EVERYTHING YOU FIND TAKE THE ONE CLOSEST TO THE CENTER Rectangle pupil = findClosestMostBigOne(boxes, video.width / 2, video.height / 2, minPupilArea); if (debug) { // show the the edges of the search fill(0, 0, 0, 0); stroke(0, 255, 0); rect(edge, edge, video.width - 2 * edge, video.height - 2 * edge); // show all the pupil candidates stroke(0, 0, 0); for (int i = 0; i < boxes.size(); i++) { Rectangle thisBox = (Rectangle) boxes.get(i); rect(thisBox.x, thisBox.y, thisBox.width, thisBox.height); } // show the winning pupil candidate in red if (pupil != null) { stroke(255, 0, 0); rect(pupil.x, pupil.y, pupil.width, pupil.height); } } return pupil; }
public Rectangle findGlint(Rectangle _pupil) { // ADJUST THE BOUNDS OF YOUR SEARCH TO BE AROUND AND UNER THE PUPIL int glintEdgeL = Math.max(0, _pupil.x - _pupil.width * 2); int glintEdgeR = Math.min(video.width - 1, _pupil.x + _pupil.width + _pupil.width * 2); int glintTop = _pupil.y; int glintBottom = Math.min(video.height - 1, _pupil.y + _pupil.height + _pupil.height * 2);
ArrayList glintsCandidates = new ArrayList(); for (int row = glintTop; row < glintBottom; row++) { for (int col = glintEdgeL; col < glintEdgeR; col++) { int offset = row * video.width + col; int thisPixel = video.pixels[offset]; //look for bright things if (brightness(thisPixel) > glintThreshold) { if (debug) video.pixels[offset] = 0; // be pessimistic boolean foundAHome = false; // look throught the existing for (int i = 0; i < glintsCandidates.size(); i++) { Rectangle existingBox = (Rectangle) glintsCandidates.get (i); // is this spot in an existing box Rectangle inflatedBox = new Rectangle(existingBox); // copy the existing box inflatedBox.grow(reach, reach); // widen it's reach if (inflatedBox.contains(col, row)) { existingBox.add(col, row); foundAHome = true; // no need to make a new one break; // no need to look through the rest of the boxes } } // if this does not belong to one of the existing boxes make a new one at this place if (foundAHome == false) glintsCandidates.add(new Rectangle (col, row, 0, 0)); } } } // FIND THE GLINT THAT IS CLOSEST TO THE PUPIL Rectangle glint = findClosestMostBigOne(glintsCandidates,
_pupil.x + _pupil.width, _pupil.y + _pupil.height / 2, 0);
stroke(0, 0, 255);
if (debug) {// show all the candidate // show the edges of the search for the glint stroke(0, 75, 200); rect(glintEdgeL, glintTop, glintEdgeR - glintEdgeL, glintBottom - glintTop); for (int i = 0; i < glintsCandidates.size(); i++) { Rectangle thisBox = (Rectangle) glintsCandidates.get(i); rect(thisBox.x, thisBox.y, thisBox.width, thisBox.height); } // show the winner in red if (glint != null) { stroke(255, 0, 0); rect(glint.x, glint.y, glint.width, glint.height); } }
return glint; }
public void consolidate(ArrayList _shapes, int _consolidateReachX, int _consolidateReachY) { // check every combination of shapes for overlap // make the repeat loop backwards so you delete off the bottom of the stack for (int i = _shapes.size() - 1; i > -1; i--) { // only check the ones up Rectangle shape1 = (Rectangle) _shapes.get(i); Rectangle inflatedShape1 = new Rectangle(shape1); // copy the existing box inflatedShape1.grow(_consolidateReachX,
_consolidateReachY); // widen it's reach
for (int j = i - 1; j > -1; j--) { Rectangle shape2 = (Rectangle) _shapes.get(j); if (inflatedShape1.intersects(shape2)) { shape1.add(shape2); // System.out.println("Remove" + j); _shapes.remove(j); break; } } } }
public Rectangle findClosestMostBigOne(ArrayList _allRects, int _x, int _y, int _minArea) { if (_allRects.size() == 0) return null; int winner = 0; float closest = 1000;
for (int i = 0; i < _allRects.size(); i++) { Rectangle thisRect = (Rectangle) _allRects.get(i); if (thisRect.width * thisRect.height < _minArea) continue; float thisDist = dist(_x, _y, thisRect.x + thisRect.width / 2, thisRect.y + thisRect.height / 2); if (thisDist < closest) { closest = thisDist; winner = i; } } return (Rectangle) _allRects.get(winner); } void stop() { }