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3 bytes added, 17:52, 12 January 2010
Week 1 - Intro
** part 1 - Create a page for yourself on the wiki, adding it to this list [Classes/2010/VIS147A#Student_Pages]. On your personal page, put your name and one paragraph describing your interests in art generally and your interests in electronics and art specifically. Questions to get started: Why are you an art/ICAM major? Are you an art major? Why are you taking this class in particular? Do you have any previous experience with electronics?
** part 2 - Field Research. If it plugs in, has buttons, has a switch, toasts bread, emits light, it probably runs on electricity. We are surrounded by electronic devices. This presents an opportunity. Conceivably, with the right hardware, you can interface with or control any electronic device. Exploring your local environment (your neighborhood, walmart) make a list of electrical devices, and document the 5 most interesting in this regard--things you would like to control. Avoid the dorm room problem--i.e. do not photograph things in your dorm room, apartment, at the price center, etc., unless you have good reason to do so. Dorm room art looks like dorm room's and thus enters the world severely handicapped. Don't do it!!! Document means photograph, video, or draw. Post images of these five things to the wiki page you made in part 1. If you are feeling extra creative, briefly describe how you would use each item.
* Lab 1: [[Classes/2010/VIS147A/Lab1 | Power Supply, VoltageMultimeter, ContinuityBreadboard]]
=== Week 2 - Voltage, Current, Resistance / Circuit, Diagram, Switch ===

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