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Students/Huyen truong

2 bytes added, 09:20, 27 January 2010
Midterm Project
My project will be an antique alarm-like clock that works via hourglass. On the ends of the hourglass I would drill in holes to put in the on-switches. The on-switch is connected to the circuit board, and there is where the off-switch will be located. When the sand drops completely onto the on-switch, a buzzer would turn on. Someone can use that mechanism as an alarm clock, so at the end of every hour, the buzzer would ring. They will press the off-switch to turn it off. The most difficult part of the project would be calculating the amount of sand capable of pushing down the on-switch, and that the sand amount aligns perfectly with a certain time interval, i.e all the sand would have dropped down and pushed the button at exactly 10 minutes passed.
 '''Visualization + Diagram:'''
[[Image:SANY0101.JPG|250px|thumb|center|Drawing + Diagram]]

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