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<font color = "blue">What be your line up?</font>
== <center>\(^ ^)/ Midterm Proposal ==[[Image:Phoebe.jpg|400px|thumb|The Visuals/Diagram of how it works]]'''The Phoebe:''' Due to the increasing number of people without jobs, the down turning economy, and the amount of reading about society's obsession with their possessions, I would like to add to the market another object of desire: a human night lamp. This human flash light will be dressed in a fashion that will allow lights from underneath to penetrate through, creating a glowing effect that is not sharp to the eye. When you or your child have gone to sleep, the human night lamp will turn itself off with a switch she/he has. The human flash light is portable and can be called upon between the hours of 9 pm to 5 am at the rate of $1000 dollars an hour. So if you have too much money and is in dire need of a gold sink. This is a great way to help all the poor folks. ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- == Field Research \(^ ^)/ </center> ==
[[Image:IMG 0736.JPG|400px|thumb|TWO]]