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1,132 bytes added, 17:53, 28 January 2010
homework [TWO]
==homework [TWO]==
It's interesting that umbrellas can be used in different ways; It can be used as a waterproof tool during raining weathers or it can be used as a light reflector in an indoor photography shoot. However, the function of an umbrella still seem very limited to me. Due the the raining & chilly weathers these days, I sometimes wished that my $1 umbrella can do more than just protect me from getting drenched..even though it barely does it job (remembering the embarrassing moments when the umbrella would flip inside out and turn into a flower...) So, I am inspired to build a heating system inside the umbrella. The light portable heater would turn on upon opening the umbrella, thus, providing warmth to the person underneath the umbrella. And when it's closed, the heater would turn off. I hope this could work, but the plan is still subject to change because heating systems are likely to be out of my budget. Perhaps I'll find another source of heat to replace the more sophisticated heating system most of us naturally think of.
===<center>:: Visualization ::</center>===
Coming soon...
===<center>:: Diagram ::</center>===
Will be based on simple ON/OFF switch triggered by opening & closing of umbrella.

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