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Students/Tiffany Lee

3 bytes added, 00:59, 5 March 2010
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My initial proposal is a Toilet Paper Reminder device. This proposal stems from experience of going into a restroom and seeing an empty toilet roll or just using the toilet paper up and forgetting to re-fill it. I know it can be annoying and sometimes people do go into the restroom forgetting to check if there is toilet paper before they go. I have a habit of checking only because it is very common in Asian countries to have a lack of toilet paper, especially in the rural regions when the toilet is virtually non-existent. What this device is going to do is perhaps utilize the PING))) Ultrasonic Sensor from Parallax and connect it to the Arduino so that it can sense movement through PINGS. I want it so that when the roll is empty, it will detect that the roll is not full anymore, and it will react to the emptiness.
Aesthetically I want these to be installed in a hanging stuff animal with batteries. I will probably use velcro to have it hold onto the bar of the toilet paper holder and when the PING)) sensor senses that there is no more toilet paper, the stuff animal will repeat a recorded sound. To get this sound, I was thinking of going into radio shack and perhaps get a playback recorder and hopefully be able to hook it up with the Arduino. The sound will only stop once the sensor senses it has been covered.
===Diagrams======Illustrationand Diagram===[[Image:Hea.JPGjpg|400px|thumb|Something like this|left]]
== Field Research==

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