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Students/Carol Ahn

259 bytes added, 09:28, 12 March 2010
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For my final project, I want to create an interactive art piece that allows the viewer to approach several chocolate bars. These chocolate bars are going to be constructed with either sensors or open/closed circuits. I wanted to make these chocolate bars so that when one goes up to lift one up or takes one, a LED display will show the number of child slavery within a specific nation. If I cannot get those specific statistics, i will just try to attain the amount of cocoa exported from the top countries producing cocoa beans. I will hook these pieces to the arduino and then have another wire connected to a stuffed animal where the LED will be displayed. The stuffed animal will wear some sort of band that says "SAVE ME" or "FREE ME" which will represent the children working in these cocoa fields.
What I want to portray through this piece is to show the slavery and bondage of children sold into chocolate industries as slaves. Many third world countries have these chocolate industries that enslave children to work in fields, chopping cocoa beans and continuing on this job until adulthood. My project is to propose an awareness of culture and slavery that still exists today. My main concept is to portray a claim with factual statistics about the child slavery industry and to show that when we consume, we don't often think about where it comes from or how it was made. Our perceptions of ourselves and the culture we live in directs us to not question and instead absorb within the spaces that are occupied around us.

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