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Students/Huyen truong

2 bytes removed, 23:35, 16 March 2010
Midterm Project
My name is Huyen Truong, and I'm a junior in the field of Visual Arts, emphasis on computing (but I would like to soon change that to film) I chose the major because art and entertainment's been an interest for me all my life. I don't remember a time where I've stopped drawing or writing for an extended period of time. However, like with everything, I've moved on with the time; art isn't just about pen and paper anymore. I've done a lot of self-learned experiments in Photoshop, Illustrator, Final Cut, computer languages, etc. but I've learned that self-taught work is not enough. I had hoped to do more hands on work with this major in UCSD, but so far the courses required are mostly on theories, which to say I am a bit disappointed. However, when I do get classes that have lab work (i.e this course) I am very excited to learn, although I have never worked with electronics in depth or engineered anything. I hope to have fun in this course and learn new things.
== Midterm Final Project ==
For my project, I plan on making a nom traditional Etch-And-Sketch. I will use three potentiometers, with two being the regular nobes for the sketching part. The third potentiometer would change the color somehow, or might even change the shape of the etch. Together, the three potentiometer would make my Etch-And-Sketh different from regular black and white ones. I will incorporate the processig program along with the arduino, and my laptop will be the 'toy' itself, but I will build something to make sure the design is better.

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