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Students/Tiffany Lee

4 bytes added, 06:23, 20 March 2010
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I pretty much soddered the LED and the 150 ohm resistors on a piece of cardboard and then covered it with foil so that the LED lights can bounce around the foil to make it brighter.
I spraypainted cardboard with Krylon Silver and foiled the inside. I used harder paper and wax paper for the front.
To hide the Arduino board, I spraypainted a small box I made from cardboard and used a smile face stencil I made. But it felt kind of empty so I used a silver gel pen and just doodled across.
In the Python Command Line, because i needed to know if it was actually running, I typed out print commands to tell me what stage the code is on. I also needed to know when the connection is closed. It would be nice if I could figure out how to start it up when my computer logs in though.

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