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1,372 bytes removed, 14:48, 15 April 2010
Week 2 - Computer Vision / Human Perception
*Due: 1 page on Jeremijenko.
*Presentations on your work.
*Discuss: CV methods—thresholding, blob-detection, facial recognition, motion/flow estimation.
**Myron Kreuger. Video Place. 1989 []
**Text Rain. Camille Utterback & Romy Achituv. 1999. [] []
**Very Nervous System. 1982-1991. []
**Suicide Box. Bureau of Inverse Technology. 1996. (13:00)
**Marie Sester. ACCESS. 2003. []
**Messa di Voce. Golan Levin and Zach Lieberman with Jaap Blonk and Joan La Barbara. 2003. [] []
**Seen. David Rokeby. 2002. []
**Sorting Daemon. David Rokeby. 2003. []
**Cheese. Christian Moller. 2003. [] made in collaboration with UCSD [ Machine Perception Lab]
**Eyewriter. -> Saccade.
*OpenCV [ download] [ reference manual]. If you are getting this for your computer, be sure to get OpenCV, the OpenCV Processing Library, and the OpenCV Processing Examples (three separate downloads).
*Read: [ Computer Vision for Artists and Designers: Pedagogic Tools and Techniques for Novice Programmers] Golan Levin. ''pay particular attention to part II. ELEMENTARY COMPUTER VISION TECHNIQUES. we are going to try these in class next week.''

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