*Charles O. Hartman. Virtual Muse: Experiments in Computer Poetry. http://www.amazon.com/Virtual-Muse-Experiments-Computer-Wesleyan/dp/0819522392/ref=ntt_at_ep_dpt_2 / http://www.upne.com/0-8195-2238-4.html
*Brief History of the Oulipo. Jean Lescure. In ''New Media Reader'', Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Nick Montfort 2003.
*Dennis Oppenheim. "Color Application for Chandra." 1971.
** My two-and-a-half-year-old daughter is taught seven basic colors by repeated exposure to projected light and to my voice. In three hours she is able to associate the color symbol with the word symbol, thereby acquiring this data. Individual tape loops of Chandra's voice repeating the color names are played twenty four hours a day to a parrot in a separate room. The parrot eventually learns to mimic the color names. Here, color is not directly applied to a surface, but transmitted (abstracted from its source) and used to structure the vocal responses of a bird. It becomes a method for me to throw my voice." (in Dennis Oppenheim: Selected works 1967-90 . Heiss. 1992)