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*If Things Can Talk, What Do They Say? If We Can Talk to Things, What Do We Say? Natalie Jeremijenko. 2005-03-05 [ http://www.electronicbookreview.com/thread/firstperson/voicechip]
*Dialogue with a Monologue: Voice Chips and the Products of Abstract Speech. [http://topologicalmedialab.net/xinwei/classes/readings/Jeremijenko/VoiceChips.pdf]
'''Grammars''' versus '''Satistical Language Models'''.
=Using sphinx=
*open a terminal. Windows, Run->Cmd.
*change to the pocketsphinx directory.
**<code>cd Desktop\untref_speech\pocketsphinx-0.8-win32\bin\Release</code>
*run the pocketsphinx command:
**<code>pocketsphinx_continuous.exe -hmm ..\..\model\hmm\en_US\hub4wsj_sc_8k -dict ..\..\model\lm\en_US\cmu07a.dic -lm ..\..\model\lm\en_US\hub4.5000.DMP</code>
**this should transcribe live from the microphone.
=Training your own Models=
grammer is trivial.