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*Dialogue with a Monologue: Voice Chips and the Products of Abstract Speech. [http://topologicalmedialab.net/xinwei/classes/readings/Jeremijenko/VoiceChips.pdf]
='''Speech Recognition'''==Background=Introduction==
*pocketsphinx on win32 - http://www.aiaioo.com/cms/index.php?id=28
==Installing CMU Sphinx==
==Language Models==
'''Acoustic models''' versus '''language models'''.
'''Grammars''' versus '''Satistical Language Models'''.
==Using sphinx==
*open a terminal. Windows, Run->Cmd.
*change to the pocketsphinx directory.
**this should transcribe live from the microphone.
==Training your own Models==
grammer is trivial.
slm, can use online tools. or try the sphinxtrain packages.
==Programming with Speech Recognition==
Processing. '''Sphinx4''', the java interface.
Python or c++, command line, android. '''pocketsphinx'''.
='''Speech Synthesis'''==Speech synthesis=Introduction==
FestVox. CMU Speech group.
[http://festvox.org/festival/index.html Festival] from University of Edinburgh.