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Week 4 Lab

80 bytes removed, 14:52, 21 April 2009
Controlling the Arduino from a Computer
* Compile the Examples->Communication->Dimmer example, and upload it to your board. This example sets up communication on the serial port (in the <code>void setup()</code> function, and then reads values from the <code>Serial</code> input, and writes them to the <code>ledPin</code> output.
* Connect up the TIP120 driver circuit and motor from last week to the <code>ledPin</code> (pin 9). You should now be able to control the motor speed via the serial port on your computer... interesting...
* Click on the "Serial Monitor" button (to the right of the "Upload to Board" button) in the arduino software. Try sending different values to the board. Type in numbers and press Enter (or click on the "Send" button, either will work).
** What behavior do you observe?
** Can you get the motor to speed up or slow down?

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