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Raspberry Pi

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Jack from OSX to Raspberry Pi
==Jack from OSX to Raspberry Pi==
On Raspberry Pi:
# wolfson script to select audio output:<syntaxhighlight lang="bash"></syntaxhighlight> or<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
amixer -Dhw:0 cset name='HPOUT2 Digital Switch' on
amixer -Dhw:0 cset name='HPOUT2L Input 1' AIF1RX1
amixer -Dhw:0 cset name='HPOUT2L Input 1 Volume' 32
amixer -Dhw:0 cset name='HPOUT2R Input 1' AIF1RX2
amixer -Dhw:0 cset name='HPOUT2R Input 1 Volume' 32</syntaxhighlight>
# run dbus:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">

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