'''Week 0'''
*Class 1: Introduction and Light Blink. Intro Lecture. Read: Software. Prompt: Meaningful Signal.
'''Week 1'''
*Class 2: Arduino, Digital I/O. Lecture: Arduino, Digital I/O*Class 3: Digital I/O continue. Prompt 2: Control Panel.
'''Week 2'''
*Class 4: Analog Input.*Class 5: Lab Time with Analog and Digital. Read: Burnham. Homework: Bring an example of an artwork that supports (or challenges) Burnham's ideas, and be prepared to discuss the essay.*'''Week 3 / Class '''*6: Analog Output + Motor Basics.*Class 7 - : High Current Digital. Read: Weiner, McCarthy, Searle. Prompt 3: Thermostat. *'''Week 4 / Class '''*8: Midterm Project Intro. An artwork where invisible parts share equal importance with visible parts. Discuss System Aesthetics.*Class 9: Systems Aesthetics, Midterm Intro. Homework: Work on Mid-term project*'''Week 5 / Class '''*10: In-Class Work. Check in individually on mid-term project ideas.*Class 11: Control Flow and Timings.*'''Week 6 / Class '''*12: Mid-term Critique.*Class 13: Mid-term Critique continued*'''Week 7 / Class '''*14:Veterans Day. no class*Class 15: Networks and Networked Hardware. Read: Brecht.*'''Week 8 / Class '''*16: Wireless Sensors. *Class 17: Physical Computing. Introduce accelerometers. Read: Braitenberg and Brookes. Prompt 4: Live networking. *'''Week 9 / Class '''*18: Live Networking Exercise. Braitenberg Discussion. Homework: Final Project Proposal.*Class 19: State Machines. Read: Breazeal.*'''Week 10 / Class '''*20: Guest Lecture, Q&A time. Work on projects.*Class 21: Q&A Time. Work on projects.*'''Finals Week: '''*Final Critiques