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Sensing and Control

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=Assignments and Grading=
*Mid‐Term Project: An artwork where invisible parts share equal importance with visible parts.
*Final Project: open assignment.
*Valentino Braitenberg, ''Vehicles'', 1984. Chapters 1-4.
*Rodney Brooks, ''Elephants Don't Play Chess'', 1990.
'''Finals Week'''
*Final Critiques
=Lab Kit=
Alternate suppliers exist for many of these parts (Adafruit, Sparkfun, Digikey, and others all stock common Arduino things), check with us if you are ordering from a different supplier.
=Student Responsibilities and Requirements=
*Complete three weekend projects: late work will not be accepted.
*Complete a final project and presentation: late work will not be accepted. Creative experimentation is required and expected: attempt the impossible; use your imagination to stretch the boundaries of any and all assignments.

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