
Member since April, 2009

clothing: http://www.rhizome.org/editorial/229

This project uses a LilyPad Arduino kit to make interactive clothing and computational jewelry that flashes LEDs based on the wearers movements. At a superficial level, I like this project for purely aesthetic reasons. The clothing and jewelry looks modern, interesting, and not at all cheesy in my opinion. On a more personal level, I am interested in this project because I am a singer and I would love to develop visual aspects of my performance that would add to the concert experience when I am onstage. By coordinating my body movements with the music I am performing, I can create a unique multimedia performance that combines visual rhythms with auditory rhythms.

Project 1: Fingerless glove light show, controlled by conductive glove switch. I will use the glove switch to trigger a light display that will correspond to my vocal performance.




pro kit: http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=8873 sew kit: http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=8797