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== Resources ==
== Student Pages ==
== Student Pages ==

Revision as of 13:09, 1 April 2010

Time and Process Based Digital Media II -

Time: Thursdays 3:30-6:20pm, VAF 228


This class is an advanced study and portfolio project course centered on the use of hardware and software to create interactive and time-based art. These projects can take many forms—interactive installations, dynamic visualizations/sonifications, printed renderings—chosen by the students. This will not be a course of technical instruction—rather we will consider technical and conceptual issues in tandem, supplementing discussions and activities with specific technical instruction where necessary. There is a strong emphasis on the development and articulation of personal directions of research by the students in the course.

I would like to split the reading/homework responsibility for two parts of the class. In the first half of the term I will present a series of works and readings covering my particular interests. Living in time of rapid technological change, how are we redefining our selves? We will consider works and techniques that engage concepts of social networks, public performance, embodiment, and cognition. In the latter half of the class you all will do the presentations. Working individually or in small groups, you will provide us with some conceptual provocation (reading material) covering subjects you intend to cover with your final, and lead a discussion on technical and conceptual issues.

Reading and critical writing, in response to text and works you present and those I present, are integral to this course.


Robert Twomey


Office Hours: Wednesday 3-4pm, Atkinson Hall Rm 1601 (CRCA research neighborhood). Please e-mail me if you plan to attend.


  • Midterm Project - 30%
  • Final Project - 30%
  • Presentations - 15%
  • Readings - 15%


(1) Short presentation on your work in the second week of class. This should be a statement of your interests, direction, goals with media art. Present examples from your own work which you feel strongly about, and which best represent your interests and trajectory. Present examples of other artist's work that serve as models for the kind of work you would like to make. (5-10 minutes each)

(2) Medium presentation on final projects in the second semester of the course (weeks 7-9). This is the portion of the class where you dictate the reading and the discussion. If you are presenting on a given week, you need to provide us with a reading 1 week in advance. We will sign up for those time slots in week 6, just after the midterm. (10-15 minutes)

Reading Responses

These are one page written summaries and critical responses/interpretations of materials assigned. Things to consider: What points does the author make? Do you buy their assumptions or agree with their conclusions? Reading resonses will be printed and turned in at the beginning of class.


Midterm and final projects will be graded on concept, effort, and realization. Formal proposals are a necessary component of the process so take them seriously. Make the effort to get started early and seek the help you need--we want to see finished, well-considered pieces for the midterm and final. Additionally, you will need to submit documentation of the project after completion which includes images, video, and source code where applicable. These materials (proposals and documentation) will all be posted to the wiki.

Documentation Policy

  • personal wiki page
  • source code on wiki
  • image/video documentation where appropriate.
  • explanatory writing (on intent, motivation, context)


Attendance is mandatory. You get one absence for sickness if documented. Each additional class missed will drop your final grade one letter. There are only 10 weeks of class, please come to them all.

Student Pages

Click "edit" on the right to add your own page below.


Register to create a log-in in the upper right.

wiki-text of the form: [[Students/RobertTwomey | RobertTwomey]]

will come out looking like this: RobertTwomey, which is a link to your new personal page on the wiki. Click on it and begin editing away.

There is editing help here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Editing and here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Cheatsheet. Image uploading help is here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Uploading_images. Of course you can always view the source of my page (or any other page) to learn how to do things.

If your embedded photo is HUGE, try some of these tips:

  • [[Image:File.jpg]] to use the full version of the file
  • [[Image:File.png|200px|thumb|left|alt text]] to use a 200 pixel wide rendition in a box in the left margin with 'alt text' as description
  • [[Media:File.ogg]] for directly linking to the file without displaying the file