
WiiSound - Leilani Martin

884 bytes added, 22:58, 10 June 2010
== Title ==
MIDI CaptureWiiSound  == Description ==*MotivationI have a strong interest in music and manipulating sound. I wanted to create a different way to control sound by using a Wiimote as the main controller. It creates a more interesting interaction with the interface instead of just buttons or mousing everything. *Interactive paradigmUsing Pure Data or Pd, I created a patch that controls different parameters of a playback loop. Using the Wiimote the user can control the volume, location, and different effects of the loop. *Technical DescriptionUsing a software called OSCulator, I connected the Wiimote to my computer through its routing parameters and bluetooth. Pd-extended contains a library called "mrpeach" that communicates the information gathered from OSCulator. Through several parsing methods I was able to connect different buttons and motions with specific controllers within my patch.