
Revision as of 05:59, 7 January 2010 by Rtwomey (talk | contribs)

Revision as of 05:59, 7 January 2010 by Rtwomey (talk | contribs)

Robert Twomey. 5th Year MFA student.

I am an interdisciplinary artist exploring questions of embodiment, cognition, and identity through work in a variety of media. With my projects, I seek to understand how our sense of self is transforming with the rapid evolution of computing and media technologies. My approach is to identify key social structures, cultural narratives, and material realities as sites of engagement, developing them into projects that value experiential complexity over pointed, didactic statement. Past efforts have taken the form of an interactive simulation of a grandmother with Alzheimer’s, a suite of works exploring the fantasy of an imaginary daughter, and a bonding performance with a rifle.