,→Software and Hardware
=Software and Hardware=
Before the workshop, you may choose to install the software we will use on your personal laptop. We will use the following two programs:
You will also need to download the 3d printer profile settings for the slicing software. These are used in the Slicing section tutorial below:
*[{{filepath:slic3r_creatorbot_configs.zip}} slic3r_creatorbot_configs.zip]
For your reference, the printers we use in the Department of Art are the CreatorBot Pro II. You can read more about them below: *{|| https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1153/8670/products/IMG_20151114_131516_compact.jpg || '''CreatorBot Pro II''' printers (manufactured in Youngstown) [https://www.3dprinterworks.com/products/creatorbot-3d-pro-series-ii printer webpage]|}