Intro to Digital Media Fall 2016
Course Info
T/R 2-4:50 PM
3000 Bliss Hall
Course Webpage:
Robert Twomey
Bliss 4021
Office Hours: T/R 12:30-2, W 2-4
- Monday 5-8 Bliss 4057
- Tuesday 5-8 Bliss 3000
- Wednesday 5-8 Bliss 4057
- Thursday 5-8 Bliss 3000
- Friday 12-6 Bliss 3000
- Saturday 12-6 Bliss 3000
- Sunday 12-6 Bliss 3000
Photo Printing Hours
- Monday 8-11pm
- Tuesday 6-10pm
- Thursday 4:30-8:30pm
- Saturday 12-4pm
More info on collages:
- Module 1: Images
- Module 2: Audio
- Module 3: Objects
- Module 4: Kinetics
Week 0
- 8/25 - Introductions, Course Information
- Screening: Ways of Seeing (Part 1)
- Homework: Read 13 Ways of Looking At A Blackbird by Thomas McEvilley.
Week 1
- 8/30 - Digital Images / Photoshop
- Quiz: 13 ways, discussion
- Photoshop Demo
- Homework: Read WSJ article, Do Digitally Altered Photos Represent Fact or Fiction (original link with live content)
- 9/1 - Photoshop 2 / Fact or Fiction
- Finish Chapters 8-11 of Digital Foundations
- Discuss: Fact or Fiction
- Homework: Make a picture that lies about something.
Week 2
- 9/6 - Collage
- Due: exercises from Chapters 8-11 of Digital Foundations
- Discuss weekend exercises.
- Project 1 Introduction. Project 1 Requirements
- 9/8 - Retouching: Before and After
- Review contemporary collage examples.
- Familiarize yourself with the advanced tools: (content-aware tools, fix flaws retouch photos, healing brush, content-aware patch and move). You can also check out the Photoshop CC tutorials, particularly the "Key Tools".
- Retouch a photograph. Save before and after images. Possible sources: Library of Congress, your own photos,
- Retouch documentation of an artwork, your own or someone elses. Save before and after images. Could be drawing, sculpture, other.
Week 3
- 9/13 - Project 1 Work
- Individual student-teacher check-ins on project 1.
- Work in class
- 9/15 - Project 1 / Photo Lab Printing Demo
- 1/2 of class - project work time
- 2nd 1/2 of class - Photo Printing in Class.
Week 4
- 9/20 Artist Lecture: Maria Rogal, Bliss 4061, 2pm
- Q&A with artist
- 9/21 - Last Day to Print your Project for Critique
- 9/22 - Critique: Project 1
Week 5
- 9/26 - Artist Lecture: Amber Kempthorn, Solomon Gallery, 1pm
- 9/27 - Digital Audio.
- Reading Michel Chion 3 Ways of listening, breakout group discussions.
- Listen to Musique Concrete.
- Get setup with cellphone audio recording
- Homework: Record 10 descriptive sounds from your audio scene. Use the format below. Bring the 10 wav files to class next Tuesday.
- WAV file
- 48,000 Sample Rate (48k)
- 24 Bits
- Stereo, if your device records audio.
- on iphone, you can use the Voice Record Pro app.
- 9/29 - Field Trip: Pittsburgh
Week 6
- 10/4 - Editing Concrete Sounds
- Due: Audio recordings of daily routine
- In class demo of Audacity.
- In class project to edit 45 second piece from weekend recordings.
- 10/6 - Sound Walks
- Due: 45 second composition from domestic recordings.
- Introduction to Sound Walks.
- Hildegard Westerkamp Soundwalking 1974
- Binaural Audio Demo.
- Plan your sound walk, begin recording.
- Use this map, or draw your own.
Week 7
- 10/11 In Class Sound Walk Experience
- Due: first draft sound walk and map.
- In class edit sound walks and map. (first hour)
- Trade sound walks and experience (second hour)
- Workshop (third hour)
- Revise sound walk and upload with audio to blackboard (third hour)
- 10/13 Sound Scapes
- Tech Survey.
- Listening exercise.
- Introduce Project 2: Soundscape.
- For more information on soundscapes, see R. Murray Schafer, The Soundscape, particularly "Features of Soundscapes" p 9-10, for the idea of keynote, signal, and soundmark.
- 10/13 Artist Lecture: Robert Atwell, McDonough, 5:10pm
Week 8
- 10/18 Working Critique, Soundscape.
- Individual student meetings.
- 10/19 Artist Lecture: Steve Rubin, McDonough, 5:10pm
- 10/20 Field Trip: Cleveland (Spaces, Transformer Station, CMA) map + itinerary
Week 9
- 10/25 Critique Soundscape
- Listening and critique.
- 10/27 Intro to Digital Objects
- Rhino CAD Basics
- 3D Printing Basics
- Homework: Bring in a small object (something you can hold in your hand) that you would like to make a 3D model of. We will be working off of real objects in class on Tuesday.
- 10/29 Last day to withdraw with a grade of “W”
Week 10
- 11/1 3D Modeling
- Modeling with solid models.
- Modeling from 2d drawings and extrusions.
- Using calipers.
- Finish 3D prints
- 11/2 Artist Lecture: Nicole Burisch, McDonough, 5:10pm
- 11/3 3D Scanning
- MEET AT LAUNCH LAB. Ground floor WCBA. Bring a USB drive to store your scanned meshes.
- Launch Lab scanners.
Week 11
- 11/8 - In Class Work
- Wrap up initial rhino work, small object modeling.
- Morehshin Allahyari
- 11/10 - Working with Meshes
- Mesh editing
- Intro Project 3. Project 3 Requirements
Week 12
- 11/15 - Meshes.
- 11/16 Visiting Artist Eunsu Kang Lecture 5-6pm in Bliss 4006.
- 11/17 - Work time.
- Check in on Project 3 Ideas.
Week 13
- 11/22 - Kinectic Art
- 11/24 No Class: Thanksgiving Holiday
Week 14
- 11/29 - Critique: Project 3, Object
- 12/1 -
Week 15
- 12/6 - Processing Introduction
- 12/8 -
- DEC 14, 5pm, Suzie's Dogs and Drafts, Digital Media + Video Thing.
- 5-6pm, sharing
- 6-late, video screening with live musical accompanyment.
- DEC 15, 11:59pm: Upload all work to Blackboard.
Artist Lectures
- 9/20 - Maria Rogal, Bliss 4061, 2pm
- 9/26 - Amber Kempthorn, Solomon Gallery, 1pm
- 10/13 - Robert Atwell, McDonough, 5:10pm
- 10/19 - Steve Rubin, McDonough, 5:10pm
- 11/2 - Nicole Burisch, McDonough, 5:10pm
This is a live document. The instructor reserves the right to alter the office hours, schedule, grade distribution and assignments as the semester develops.