

1 byte added, 10:13, 19 October 2016
Slicing a File
*Open your slicing software, slic3r
*In slic3r, load your printer configuration. '''File->Load Config'''. Select '''Slic3r_creatorbot_config_ABS''' or '''Slic3r_creatorbot_config_PLA''' in the file dialog, depending on what material you are printing.
*On the right hand side of the slicer window, select Slic3r_creatorbot_config_PLA.ini under Print settings, Filament, and Printer. [[File:image_1avd90lki1ehg172c1u06e2p6ld9.png|200px]]
*In the toolbar at top of the 3d view, click "Add"to add a new file to print.
*In the file dialog, select the STL file saved in the section above.