

587 bytes added, 10:20, 28 October 2016
Making a Model
==Making a Model==
===Exporting as STLConvert Model Units to Millimeters===
*Convert to millimeters. In the menu select '''File->Settings'''.
*Under "Units", select "millimeters":
*You should see your scaled model:
===Exporting as STL===*Select your model to print. *In the file menu, select '''File'''->'''Export Selected''':[[File:rhino_export_selected.png|300px]]*Choose "STL (Stereolithography) (stl)" in the file type dropdown, and give your file a name:[[File:rhino_export.png|400px]]*Accept the default mesh options: [[File:rhino_stl_mesh_options.png|400px]]*Make sure "Export open objects" is not selected (slicing software needs watertight, closed objects):[[File:rhino_stl_no_eport_open.png|400px]]*Click "ok". Now you are ready to go to the slicing section below.
===Rhino Tutorials===
*[ Getting Started with Rhino for Mac]: