Search results

    7 KB (987 words) - 06:45, 19 January 2010
    15 KB (2,181 words) - 09:03, 13 June 2010
    20 KB (2,938 words) - 16:09, 13 January 2014
  • *from Persona directory on local: <code>rtwomeys-work-object-2:Personae rtwomey$ rsync -avz --stats --progress .</c <code>rsync -avz --stats --progress /Volumes/BOOTCAMP/Users/rtwomey/Documents/ .</code>
    5 KB (728 words) - 09:22, 16 March 2013
  • ...s -dict /Users/rtwomey/Documents/dxarts463_sp11/mmpi-2/9316.dic -lm /Users/rtwomey/Documents/dxarts463_sp11/mmpi-2/9316.lm</code> **<code>./pocketsphinx-osx-continuous -lm /Users/rtwomey/Documents/dxarts463_sp11/mmpi2_slm/</code>
    27 KB (3,883 words) - 17:46, 10 November 2012
  • rtwomey@rtwomey-MacBookPro:~$ sudo fdisk -u /dev/mmcblk0 [sudo] password for rtwomey:
    22 KB (3,090 words) - 17:19, 31 October 2015
  • scp avtest.mp4 rtwomey@
    13 KB (1,648 words) - 22:46, 1 December 2015
  • **<code>scp capt0004.jpg rtwomey@</code> **<code>processing-java --sketch=/Users/rtwomey/processing/dm_xml/convexmirror_cmdline --output=tmp/convexmirror --run --fo
    6 KB (907 words) - 12:39, 4 June 2014
  • ...m was written on my Laptop, so I used the path to festival there. ''/Users/rtwomey/...''. On the raspberry pi the festival install path is ''/usr/bin/festival
    6 KB (1,004 words) - 07:18, 26 April 2013
  • **<code>python /Users/rtwomey/Recordings/flower_heart/recentered/fh14r.txt 19.0 8.0</code> **<code>tesseract /Users/rtwomey/Documents/Classes/dxarts_general_exam_2013/rosetta_stone_invert.png results
    15 KB (2,066 words) - 09:35, 22 April 2015
  • exec su -l rtwomey -c 'export DISPLAY=:0; /home/rtwomey/code/openFrameworks/apps/oftwomey/graft-tracker/bin/graft-tracker' <syntaxhighlight lang="bash">sudo adduser rtwomey audio</syntaxhighlight>
    5 KB (624 words) - 07:02, 20 October 2015
  • ...the xml file you will see that a lot of the paths are of the form "/Users/rtwomey/" which is obviously my computer, replace with the path to the file on your
    10 KB (1,528 words) - 18:33, 20 December 2014
  • <syntaxhighlight lang="bash">/Users/rtwomey/code/opencv-2.4.10/build/bin/cpp-example-imagelist_creator images.xml *.jpg <syntaxhighlight lang="bash">/Users/rtwomey/code/opencv-2.4.10/build/bin/cpp-example-calibration -w 9 -h 6 -s 24 images
    19 KB (2,489 words) - 08:31, 2 June 2015
  • *Instructor: Robert Twomey []. Office Hours: 1 hr immediately after class, so MW 11:30‐12:20. *Drop Box:
    8 KB (1,168 words) - 09:06, 30 November 2015
  • Course Webpage: [] Email: []
    9 KB (1,208 words) - 14:27, 6 December 2016
  • '''please e-mail me [] to request a specific workshop or time'''
    7 KB (1,016 words) - 12:25, 20 February 2018