Students/Erika Marie Go

Revision as of 11:52, 27 January 2010 by Emgo (talk | contribs) (Erika Marie Go)

Revision as of 11:52, 27 January 2010 by Emgo (talk | contribs) (Erika Marie Go)

Erika Marie Go

I am a fourth year at UCSD. I am a new ICAM Major but for the past three years I've been studying biochemistry, and took ICAM as a minor. I decided to take ICAM further and declare it as a major. I also like to sketch and paint (major subjects include people and places). I've recently gotten into abstract art. I'd like to take my art practice to the next level by learning how to incorporate technology into my artwork. =)


(Doesn't work anymore, but maybe I could somehow bring it to life.)


(How many licks does it really take to get to the center of a blow pop?)

0610_clicker_lg.jpg Clicker2.jpg

(I have several clickers like these for classes that I took...they look aweful!)


(Sitting in my Mom's garage...)




(Old cellphones... I knew keeping them would come in handy! :D )

Here's my blog:


Midterm Project Proposal

I have been researching through the internet and reading the book for class. I know I'd like to do something simple since I'm new to making electronics. I would like to propose to make something with a simple switch, light or led, things that we have been doing in class. This proposal is a work in progress.



