

11 bytes added, 09:56, 11 January 2010
The Why
Steven had always been interested in the arts, mainly the visual arts. At a young age, he enjoyed drawing and in middle school he became intrigued with flash animations through exposure to masterpieces such as the Xiao Xiao series. After finding Newgrounds online, he browsed the flash portal day and night and his middle school and early high school days were filled with inspiration for learning to animate. By mid way through high school, he had an interest in graphic design and web design. He developed his interest by applying for the yearbook staff and working as the computer editor and co-design editor.
Once applying for colleges came around, his heritage of being raised in an asian family kicked in. Encouraged not to attend an all art school, or pursue an all art major, he applied to both UCLA and UCSD for their media arts programs. UCLA obvious being not worthy of Steven's presence decided to not let send him an acceptance letter because they knew he obviously would not choose to go there. So he attended UCSD as an ICAM major. As the years wore on, the ICAM program became increasing confusing and conceptual. However, once he walked into VIS 147A, the reason he applied for the program became clear. He was interested in integrating human interaction and electronic art, and this was the perfect place to do it. The possibilities were endless.