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Students/Tanya Ukositkul

1 byte added, 04:02, 5 February 2010
Personal Thoughts
Transferring to UCSD in Fall 2008, I didn't really expect for the computing emphasis to be the way it is. I thought it would be more of web and graphic design. To be truthful, I was disappointed at first. However, now I feel that I am challenged by my classes to do things I've never thought I would be doing. I mean, this is what college is for. I should be learning about new things and also finding out about myself. Well, this class is also one of them. I mean, electronic? Not really my sort of thing. In fact, I didn't even know what soldering something meant until the first lecture, but this doesn't mean I am not going to try. It is one of my biggest challenge for the year and I know I have a lot to learn. And I will also learn a lot (and, hopefully, I can show to my brother brothers that.. hey, see, I did this!)

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